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CFI/OEFFA Starting a School Garden Workshop

Friday, July 15, 2022
9:30 am12:30 pm
Amesville Elementary School Garden, 23 N. Main St., Amesville, OH 45711

Wanting to start a kid-friendly garden at your school, farm, or community site? Looking for inspiration and new lesson ideas for a current educational garden? Community Food Initiatives (CFI) has over a decade of experience partnering with schools, farmers, and community groups in rural Appalachian Ohio to design engaging garden programs for youth from preschool through middle school.

In this workshop, discussion will include CFI’s history of school gardening, lessons learned, and best practices for building fabulous garden education programs in small communities on a shoestring budget. There will be a tour of the rural Amesville Elementary School garden to see an example of a small but effective garden set up, and time to network with others involved in educational garden spaces. Each participant has their choice of a printed or PDF copy of our CFI School Garden Toolkit and will receive materials to complete several hands-on, take home activities that can be easily implemented in your own program or site.
