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Our Sponsors & Partners


Community Food Initiatives is grateful to have such a strong ecosystem of support!

Our Business Sponsors

Business sponsors help build us resilience through their support of our mission to foster communities where everyone has equitable access to healthy, local food.  Are you interested in becoming a Community Food Initiatives sponsor?  Learn more about the benefits of sponsorship by contacting our Executive Director, Maribeth Saleem-Tanner

PLATINUM SPONSORS, $2500 or more, Sprouts Classroom Hero, Veggie Van Farmstand Sponsor, Donation Station Powerhouse Sponsor

GOLD SPONSORS, $1000-$2499, Sprouts Teacher's Friend, Veggie Van Bundle Sponsor, Donation Station Food Access Champion

SILVER SPONSORS, $500-$999, Sprouts Garden Caretaker, Veggie Van Pop-up Sponsor, Donation Station Steward

BRONZE SPONSORS, $100-$499, Sprouts Lesson Helper, Veggie Van Sample Sponsor, Donation Station Responder

Supporting Foundations and Partners
