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YOU Can Change the World With Food!

"I get more from CFI than I give.  I love being around the folks who work there and feeling a sense of teamwork, caring and also having fun. When I go home from whatever the event,  I always just feel better and more hopeful." - Linda, CFI volunteer 


Every year, volunteers log over 3,000 hours with CFI, which translates to $89,850 donated to CFI's mission.  As a volunteer, you'll have a chance to: 

  • Tend garden plots, feeding families & strengthening ecosystems.
  • Participate in a Board discussion that shapes the future of CFI.
  • Purchase produce from local farmers, growing a food system that's good for all of us, including the people working to nourish our community.
  • Share food and recipes with Veggie Van customers, cultivating community and kitchen confidence. 
  • Teach a School Gardens lesson, inspiring future gardeners to love nature and food.   

Ready to help us change the world with food? Contact us today to learn more, or you can also check out our calendar of events to see volunteer opportunities.
