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Donation Station at the Chesterhill Produce Auction

Thursday, November 1, 2018
3:00 pm7:00 pm
94 Columbus Rd. Athens Ohio 45701

The Donation Station addresses the most immediate food security issue -- access to healthy fresh foods for all.

The Chesterhill Produce Auction (CPA) is a produce auction located 18 miles northeast of Athens, in Morgan County Ohio. From May-October this produce auction provides lots of locally grown, healthy, fresh produce to the Donation Station. This produce is later distributed to food pantries and social service agencies in a 6 county area.

The Donation Station benefits from volunteer help at the CPA, especially in the fall. Volunteers serve as runners and help move produce from the auction floor.

Transportation is provided from our main offices at 94 Columbus Rd. in Athens.

Please fill out the volunteer interest form if you are interested in helping at the CPA!
